
由GNazir著作·2024·被引用12次—RecentprogressinZn–airbatteriesiscriticallyreviewed.CurrentchallengesofrechargeableZn–airbatteriesarehighlighted.,由MAAlemu著作·2023·被引用7次—Thisarticleprovidesanin-depthreviewoftherecentprogressandchallengesofalkalinemetal-airbatteriesasanalternativerechargeablebatteryforfuture ...,2024年6月16日—Inthisreview,wesummarizetherecentdevelopmentofalkalimetal-airbatter...

A Review of Rechargeable Zinc

由 G Nazir 著作 · 2024 · 被引用 12 次 — Recent progress in Zn–air batteries is critically reviewed. Current challenges of rechargeable Zn–air batteries are highlighted.

Recent advancement of electrically rechargeable alkaline ...

由 MA Alemu 著作 · 2023 · 被引用 7 次 — This article provides an in-depth review of the recent progress and challenges of alkaline metal-air batteries as an alternative rechargeable battery for future ...

Recent progress in rechargeable alkali metal

2024年6月16日 — In this review, we summarize the recent development of alkali metal-air batteries from four parts: metal anodes, electrolytes, air cathodes and ...

Recent progress in rechargeable alkali metal

由 X Zhang 著作 · 2016 · 被引用 299 次 — In this review, we summarize the recent development of alkali metal–air batteries from four parts: metal anodes, electrolytes, air cathodes and reactant gases.

Recent Progress of Metal

由 C Wang 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 189 次 — This paper can provide the basic knowledge on metal-air batteries for beginners and relevant comprehensive review for researchers.